🌳 TreeScop 📏

Welcome to TreeScop

App Info

This app is designed to allow users to calculate the volume of standing trees. The calculation is based on the method of successive log cubing. The app enables diameter measurements at various heights and calculates the tree’s volume using the user's camera perspective and inclination detected by the gravity sensor.

During the first use, the app will prompt you to calibrate your device. You can find detailed instructions for this step in the following sections.

The app only requires you to input the distance between your smartphone and the tree; all other measurements are performed by the app.

Additional Features:

  • Tree height calculation
  • Terrain slope measurement
  • Export measured data (diameter at various heights) in Excel format for later use
Criterion Device

For those practicing forest inventory, they are familiar with the Criterion device used to measure diameters at various heights. This app uses a similar approach.

For more details, see the section “How to Use TreeMetrics”.

How to Use the App

Follow the steps below for optimal use:

  • Calibrate the device
  • Place the device horizontally facing the tree
  • Define the base of the tree
  • Measure diameters at different heights
  • Calculate the tree volume

How to Use TreeMetrics

1. Calibration

When you open the app for the first time, it will prompt you to calibrate the device. This step needs to be completed at least once.

  1. Place an object of known size at a specified distance from the camera.
  2. Enter the distance to the object in centimeters (cm) and the diameter of the object in centimeters (cm).
  3. Click "Next".
  4. A second window opens. Adjust the two red bars to the object's edges, then click "Calibrate".

We recommend stabilizing your smartphone for this step using a tripod, for example.

Calibration Image

⚠️ Warning: The app offers the option to use the camera's intrinsic characteristics without calibration, but this is not recommended. Uncalibrated parameters may lead to inaccurate measurements. It is recommended to calibrate your device for better accuracy.

2. Enter the Distance to the Tree

  1. Go to Settings → Configuration
  2. Enter the horizontal distance in meters.

What is horizontal distance? See the illustration below:

Horizontal Distance Illustration

3. Indicate the base of tree

The goal is to define to the app the zero height from which it will start measuring heights.

In the "Settings" menu, select "Indicate the base of tree". Place the red crosses at the tree base (see image). Use zoom if necessary. then click on the Fix button

Define Tree Base

4. Calculate Diameter at Different Heights

Follow the calculation interface of the app.:

  1. Set up the app.
  2. View the height indicator in meters and slope in degrees.
  3. Height indicator relative to the last section measured of the tree.
  4. Align the red bars with the tree trunk section to measure, then click "Take Measure".
  5. Diameter measurement in cm and circumference in cm.
  6. Measured diameters appear in the list at the top (7).
  7. Remove previous: Deletes the last measurement if needed.
  8. Calculate volume: Once diameters are recorded along the trunk, click here to calculate the volume.
App Interface for Diameter Calculation

Tip: Stop measuring when the section diameter reduces to 0 cm for total volume, or at a desired commercial diameter (e.g., 60 cm).

5. Calculate Volume

Once diameters at different heights are measured, click "VOLUME CALCULATION" to get the volume in cubic meters. Diameters at corresponding heights will also be displayed.

Volume Calculation

Click "Export DATA" to save measurements in Excel format. The first time, the app will request storage access. Accept to save data.

Click "New tree" to measure another tree.

Volume Calculation

Note: Don’t forget to enter the new horizontal distance and set the base for the next tree for accurate measurements.